Commonly asked Questions


Q: Which is more durable granite or quartz?

A: One does not beat the other in terms of  durability they are both scratch and stain resistant in their own way. Quartz does not hold well against heat, hot pots and pans could etch the surface of this material. The max temperature before damage would occur is 500 degrees. Where as granite does not have this problem. However, you would never want to use a knife directly on granite for it may dull your utensil and over time cause fissures in the stone. - we advise cutting boards for all your slicing needs.


Q: Is marble a good material for a kitchen?

A: Yes and No. Marble is known in the industry as a soft stone which means it is porous and susceptible to scratching and staining. With low traffic in terms of cooking and usage it would be a beautiful option and a show piece. However, in a large household with frequent usage we would not recommend this stone for your kitchen.


Q:  What stone is the cheapest to purchase?

A: It all depends on color. Every color and line of material whether quarts, marble, or granite depends on the market price. The rarity and quality of each stone is the main influence in pricing along with popularity in shade. That being said, there are always affordable option provided in every material regardless of the stone. 


Q: What's the most efficient way to get an estimate?

A: The best way would be to draft a rough drawing and take measurements of your project before coming into the shop or calling. This will save time and help us answer all questions you may have regarding your project.


Q: As the owner what do you recommend?

A:  Don't rush into any project. Take your time and utilize us at House of Granite as a tool to figure out exactly what you want. Like any remodel, it can be expensive and time consuming so it's best to do it right the first time.